About The Loudon County Economic Development Agency

Core Mission Statement

To develop economic and community programs/projects that foster and promote growth for the prosperity of Loudon County, enhancing the quality of life for its citizens and enriching the marketability of the community.


The Loudon County Economic Development Agency was formed as a joint venture between Loudon County, the City of Lenoir City, and the City of Loudon to provide a broad range of economic and community development programs.


We currently offer a full range of programs and services including:

  • Business Recruitment, Retention, and Expansion services
  • Location Analysis and Design Assistance
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Construction Management
  • Grant Writing and Administration
  • Downtown Redevelopment
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Workforce Initiatives
  • Young Talent/Young Professionals Opportunities


Download/view the LCEDA printable information brochure


Download/View LCEDA Annual Work Program


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