ETSY Craft Entrepreneurs Workshop

Aug 4

Learn How to Create an Online Shop for your Craft Products!

Do you already make custom jewelry, decorative home items, or other handmade products for sale or gift giving? If so, this course will teach you how to start an online shop for your unique line of handcrafted items.

In partnership with Etsy, a leader in e-commerce for creative entrepreneurs, Knoxville Entrepreneur Center is offering free classes to help craft makers like you establish an online business to sell your products to a wider market and earn extra income.

Craft Entrepreneurship classes are taught by successful online craft sellers who coach and support participants through every aspect of setting up their online shops. Using Etsy as a learning lab, teachers share best practices on topics that impact new sellers most, including time management, branding, pricing, shipping, and photography, to help them earn supplemental income through their craft business. To minimize startup costs, new sellers will be given the opportunity to list 20 items for sale for free on This program is designed for creative makers from underserved communities.